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Welcome to my website!

My name is Tom and I am an amateur photographer from South East London. For the past 10 years I have pursued photography as a hobby.

I am not a professional photographer, I have never had any formal training and never earned any income from a photograph I have taken, I have a full time job elsewhere. As such, I class myself as an amateur photographer.

So why build a website? Most simply I wanted to enhance my photography project. I wanted an end point for storing images I wanted to share over and above social media. However it struck me that there are many websites where professional photographers store their images, which are all amazing. I wanted to construct a space where I could demonstrate and discuss the things I have learnt and think are important for any amateur photographer. I will share the mistakes I have made and provide a ‘warts and all’ overview of the results I have had in the past.

I hope you enjoy this website and if you have any questions / feedback, please get in contact.